Wednesday 2 March 2016

Three games down and many more to go

Two posts in one day? Shocking I know!

Hello again readers I thought it was about time I actually did a general update instead of just news or unboxing posts. So I kind a caved this year and my back log of games has been growing quite quickly. Way too many new releases and sales been happening, plus you know what I’m like for buying new games. Also did not help I still have a few games from last year still play as well.

So the last two weeks I have been trying to put more time into getting some of these games clocked and its going well. I finished Lego Batman 3 on the Xbox 360 first along with all its expansions, picked this up last in the Black Friday sales and never got around to working on it. It’s one of my top five Lego games and would recommend playing it, it’s even the game that got me into the Lantern Corp and the reason why I picked up a Green Lantern graphics novel.

Same week I also completed Agatha Christie ABC Murders on the PS4, new release that has just come out. Got say I was bit disappointed with this game since it was really short, would say maybe two evenings or a day to complete it. The puzzles are not too hard and to be honest the story wasn’t that great. I like my puzzle investigating games and I probably will play it again to earn some achievements but I will not be running out to get it any time soon.

Not a bad for a week’s work to be honest, after that I did a take few days off and play some new releases but nothing with a 100% focus. I want to give full focus to games in my collection that once I’ve played I probably will trade-in. With so many new releases over the next few months, credit is always a help right now to pay for them.

This week I started Adventure Time Jake and Finns Investigations on the Xbox One. Few work colleagues had recommended me the show so when I saw this on sale for a good price earlier on the year I picked it up. It’s been sitting there for a while so I thought it was about time I give it a try and if I did not like it then it can be traded in.  Well I was quite shocked how much I did enjoy it to be honest, the game is a like Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes where you investigate the area to find clues and solve puzzles to progress through the story. Story is weird but funny and I enjoyed every minute of it and could not put it down, it’s got me interesting into watching the cartoon as well now. I would have no problem playing this again on a different console to earn some more trophies/achievements. 

Well that’s it folks for what I’ve been playing and completing, what’s next to play? well I’ve got a few games on the go at the moment. Nothing serious just yet but once I’ve got something solid I will do another blog post.

Think that’s it for this blog post and I really should go enjoy my day off with some good games. Need to keep completing some games since there’s quite a few new ones out this month. Expect a post about that soon, until then don’t forget to comment with what you been working on.
Until then have a good one folks,

P.S. Yes I did clock Minecraft Xbox 360 in between but I was only missing one glitched achievement so it wasn't like I did a full massive session to finish it off. Still another 100% though so that was a win. 

Pokemon Moon & Sun Announced

Morning readers,
Very late getting this post out but some things came up which could not be helped. So the Pokemon Direct happened on Friday and it was a bit of anti-climactic in my book concerning the announcement. 


So Pokemon Moon & Sun are real, its 100% happening so the leak was true and this is great. But we saw nothing really at all about the games from the trailer that was aired, it was nice seeing some old memories but only getting a few seconds of concept art was the wrong way to go. 
Concept Art Shown In The Trailer
Only real thing we know is this is a new generation thanks to how they showed it off in the trailer. They went through all the generations and years released then announced Moon and Sun for this year.
Guess we going to have to wait and see what CoroCoro shows off and probably the E3 Nintendo Direct. Concept art looks good; well what bits they did show anyway. Really hoping the graphics are getting closer to a full console release because we need that to happen. 

Concept Art Shown In The Trailer
That’s it for now, what was your thoughts on the direct? Needed more? Happy about a new generation? Drop a comment.